, so it’s been several weeks since we updated the blog
, but it’s been one of those
very busy times. You know the sort of time that seems to rush through your
fingers like sand and two months feels like two minutes.
Jenn is now really enjoying teaching at both Champlain
School in Granville Ferry and Clark Rutherford in Cornwallis. To help her keep the position of teaching French, she is going into immersion for all of July at nearby University Ste. Anne. She's hoping I will bring friends and family down to visit her and celebrate her birthday and our 4th wedding anniversary.
I have just completed a seven week stint
with a company called Peopleworx. They provide training courses for those
having difficulty in getting work with great hands on experience and job
readiness skills to give them every opportunity at meaningful employment. It
was a great challenge which I thoroughly enjoyed. For my leaving party, I was made to wear a pair of shorts with "I'm sexy and I know it" written on the seat, and we all played a game of footie (soccer) in the pouring rain for about 40 minutes. Great fun!
So..what about the house? Well our trusty contractor, Paul
Uhlman, has been hard at work putting in ten windows and two doors in about two
weeks. In addition, after we took down the lathe and plaster walls and ceilings
in the upstairs long room, he divided the room, added stud walls and
framed out walls and ceiling. One of the new bathrooms, which used to be a small
bedroom, has also been gutted and the other partially cleared in readiness for
the two new baths.
Paul had to call a halt to the work as he was going quicker
putting in windows than we were in clearing the room that needed doing. After that there is just two rooms that
need to be gutted, windows added, framed, wired, insulated and had gyproc
placed on walls and ceilings. Not much if you say it quickly.
During all this the front of the house need to have
clapboard added. The eastern side needs all the rotten boards and clapboard
removed, windows added………and the list goes on.
So as you can see we have been busy. We also have some new inhabitants
just outside the house - swallows who are nesting in their house
for the first time in many years. It was very dramatic to see two male swallows fighting on the grass with jabbing beaks and thumping wings to win the favours of the female, who teetered on the power line chattering encouragement. She and the victor have settled down and are busy nest building. We are also pleased to see hummingbirds back at
our feeder.
The House undergoing work on the west side. New main boards, house wrap and clapboard |
The inside of the west wall with one of the window openings and the walls framed ready for insulation |
The edge of the big double fireplace that is about to go. The room is now divided into two |
Jenn enjoying a read on our new steps to the back door |
The amateur, but learning fast |
The professionals, Paul Uhlman and Chad |
The west room with one of the four windows in place, insulation next |
The west wall and north front. All the doors and windows have now been replaced |
One of the Holy Lord (HL) hinges that are part of the original internal doors. These will remain in place |
Our new well head, finally above ground to comply with well regulations |
The Swallows that have taken up resident in the bird house, close to our back door. Mum seems to spend alot of the time looking out the door |
Mum, with Dad on the roof. Send in your captions |