Wednesday, July 06, 2011


While Brian is crashing clapboard around, I have been planning to run Summer Art Lessons.  Since my kid's art studio here at the house is currently our kitchen, I have rented the upstairs studio at ARTsPLACE in Annapolis Royal. 

The Summer lessons will run the week of July 25-29 with 5-8 year olds, and then the first week of August with 9-12 year olds.  If you are a local reader of this blog and are interested, please contact me at

There has been a good response, and I am really looking forward to getting back to teaching art.  I am also going to be offering Arty Parties (birthday parties with an art theme) and Face Painting. 

I am also participating in PAINT THE TOWN in August so it's a very "arty" summer!
Paint the Town, Annapolis Royal link

1 comment:

  1. A week until your art classes begin-you must be getting excited! They sound great and your business cards for the Valley House are fantastic!
